Tynemouth Close, Langtry Close, Albion Street And Everton Park
Everton Park is a wildflower meadow started in 2012 and was voted as Kew’s Grow Wild England Flagship in 2014.
Annuals 2021
Flower time: July - August
Attracts Hover flies

Attracts Night flying moths

Flower time: July - late sept oct
Attracts All Bees- bumble
Flower time: July - late sept oct
Attracts Hover flies

Flower time: Mid June- July
Great for Bumble Bees

Perennials 2022
Exceptionally good for range of Bees and Butterflies / scabious miner bee – recorded in N.England for 1st time on NWC site in Huyton / look for red admirals/skippers/peacocks painted ladies/ commas – especially

Attracts Butterflies

Attracts Spiders

Flower time: Mid May/end June
Attracts Hover flies

Flower time: Mid May early June
Attracts Spiders